Where Did My Memory Go? - The Anatomy of Memory

Where Did My Memory Go? - The Anatomy of Memory

Aug 10, 2023

Have you ever walked into a room only to forget why you’re there in the first place? Memory lapses can be frustrating, but your brain is still an amazing organ with an incredible capacity for making and storing memories. In this post, we’ll explore how memories are formed, retained, and retrieved in your brain.

What Happens In My Brain When I Form A Memory?

When you experience something new, your hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex work together to encode or process the information from your senses and convert it into short-term memory. Think of this like saving a file on your brain’s hard drive so you can access it later.

How Are Short-term Memories Converted Into Long-Term Ones?

The process of taking a short-term memory and consolidating it into long-term storage often happens during sleep. Your hippocampus replays events to the neocortex, strengthening the neural connections for permanence. You can imagine memories waiting in a staging area while your brain decides if they’re important enough for long-term filing.

Why Can't I Recall Some Memories When I Want To?

When you need to remember something, your hippocampus searches its memory files like a librarian to activate the right information. But sometimes retrieval fails, giving you “tip of the tongue” moments when the memory won’t come. The pathways in your neural filing system don’t always fire correctly.

Do Memories Change Over Time?

Yes, you may unconsciously distort or exaggerate traumatic memories without realizing it. Your amazing brain tries to fill in gaps or alter unsettling recollections. Overall your memory capacity is extraordinary, despite occasional glitches.

What Can I Do To Help My Memory?

Exercising your brain, staying mentally active, reducing stress, getting good sleep, eating a healthy diet, and using memory devices like mnemonics and storytelling can all help strengthen your recall abilities.
Keep learning new things to build cognitive reserves!

What To Do Now

Click the link in the upper right hand corner, take the Health Evaluation Survey and Get Your Free Health Score! (or click here: https://drlisahealth.com)

Decide on a change and stick with it for the next 90 days.


Articles and Citations

Where Did My Memory Go? - The Anatomy of Memory - YouTube Video (21:53)


9 Facts About Your Memory That You Won’t Believe - Lifehack


Human Memory Facts - Brain Made Simple


25 Ways to Improve Your Memory - Healthline


14 Natural Ways to Improve Your Memory - Healthline


11 Best Foods to Boost Your Brain and Memory
